OELT Annual Meeting 2025
After the successful OELT Annual Meeting 2024 in connection with the office opening of the Memor Travel Forum at the Coworking Space of the Innovations Center Davos, the Memor Travel Forum is glad to announce the program of the next OELT Annual Meeting 2025.
Scholars from different fields of research, such as education, linguistics, and theology, contributed at the last meeting their unique researcher-based perspectives to further advance an interdisciplinary approach towards the research field of educational travel.
The Memor Travel Forum is looking forward to the OELT Annual Meeting 2025 to provide an innovative space for researchers from different fields to interpret their unique perspective and body of knowledge into the advancement of the research field of education travel in a theoretical and practical sense.
Scholars from different fields of research, such as education, linguistics, and theology, contributed at the last meeting their unique researcher-based perspectives to further advance an interdisciplinary approach towards the research field of educational travel.
The Memor Travel Forum is looking forward to the OELT Annual Meeting 2025 to provide an innovative space for researchers from different fields to interpret their unique perspective and body of knowledge into the advancement of the research field of education travel in a theoretical and practical sense.
OELT Annual Meeting 2025
Two-pronged approach: Educational Travel - Languages & Alpine adventures.
13th September 2025 - Region Graubünden, Davos-Klosters: Aula, Schule Klosters.
Following the motto of a two-pronged approach, duality in the concept "Nature in Switzerland" will be discovered and discussed at the next OELT annual meeting.
Subject-related disciplines are invited to the OELT Annual Meeting, where their expertise will meet with the concept "Nature in Switzerland".
Impulses, presentations, posters or talks are then interpreted in the context of the further development of the project "Nature in Switzerland".
A science-based event that researchers and schools can look forward to.
Either for presenting research interests to an interested audience or for organizing the next “Nature in Switzerland” events at their schools.
The Memor Travel Forum presents the OELT Annual Meeting to complement the research area "Educational Travel".
Two-pronged approach: Educational Travel - Languages & Alpine adventures.
13th September 2025 - Region Graubünden, Davos-Klosters: Aula, Schule Klosters.
Following the motto of a two-pronged approach, duality in the concept "Nature in Switzerland" will be discovered and discussed at the next OELT annual meeting.
Subject-related disciplines are invited to the OELT Annual Meeting, where their expertise will meet with the concept "Nature in Switzerland".
Impulses, presentations, posters or talks are then interpreted in the context of the further development of the project "Nature in Switzerland".
A science-based event that researchers and schools can look forward to.
Either for presenting research interests to an interested audience or for organizing the next “Nature in Switzerland” events at their schools.
The Memor Travel Forum presents the OELT Annual Meeting to complement the research area "Educational Travel".
OELT Annual Meeting 2025 - Program
Sessions |
Topics |
Speakers |
Introduction: OELT Annual Meeting (Research) |
Educational Travel: A Field of Research |
Memor Investigatio Forum |
Session: I (Research) |
Languages: A field of research |
Moderation Memor Investigatio Forum Linguistics: TBC Eric Petrini, theologian, ecclesiastical youth work, Diocese of the Grisons, Chur. |
Session: II (Research) |
Education: A field of Research |
Dr. Angeline Dharmaraj-Savicks. Senior lecturer in Education Studies at the University of Portsmouth. |
Conclusion |
Nature in Switzerland: A research based educational project through languages & places. |
Memor Investigatio Forum |
Session: III (Practice) |
Organized educational leisure & travel (OELT) Planning for educational leisure & travel research projekts & events in Grison & Ticino. |
Memor Investigatio Forum |
Concept presentation: "Natur in Switzerland" on school level |
Photo exhibition Title: "Breathtaking Switzerland" Conversation: The beauty of high mountains & languages Classical Concert Harp & Flute (TBC) |
Photo exhibition Christian Burth, Landscape photography. In conversation with Book Review: Nature in Switzerland - Adventure Excursion for language learners: Language levels A to C Memor Investigatio Forum Classical Concert Harp: TBC Flute: TBC |
Apéro |
Regional Delicacies |
Grison & Ticino |
Deutsch |
English |
Italiano |
Das OELT Annual ist eine private Fachveranstaltung. Das Akronym OELT steht für Organized Educational Leisure & Travel. Während dieser Fachveranstaltung werden unterschiedliche Wissenschaftler/innen der Bereiche Linguistik, Bildungswissenschaft, Mobilität, Medizin, Mathematik, Fotografie, Literatur, Musik, Metrologie, Kosmologie, Geologie, Philosophie oder Theologie eingeladen, um sich kritisch mit dem Projekt “Natur in der Schweiz” auseinanderzusetzen sowie um über innovative Ideen der Wissenskommunikation zu sprechen. Die unterschiedlichen Disziplinen werden im Kontext Bildungsreisen interpretiert, mit der Fragestellung, wie einige Fachimpulse zukünftige Bildungsveranstaltungen informieren können. Neben den interessanten inhaltlichen Fragestellungen bietet die Veranstaltung auch konkrete Optionen, um mit Schulen oder Schüler/innen das Gespräch zu finden. Auf der einen Seite kann die Veranstaltung als Informationsveranstaltung verstanden werden, um das Konzept “Natur in der Schweiz” vorzustellen oder Weiterentwicklungen zu präsentieren. Auf der anderen Seite, um über konkrete organisatorische Punkte der Veranstaltungen zu sprechen. Diese sowie weitere interessante Fragestellungen können während des OELT Annual Meeting mit Schulen sowie ihren Schüler/innen diskutiert werden. Abhängig von der Sprachregion, dem Land, dem Ort oder der Schule können Veranstaltungen in Deutsch, Englisch sowie Italienisch organisiert werden. Anhand dieses innovativen dualen Ansatzes zwischen den wissenschaftlichen Impulsen sowie den konkreten Veranstaltungen präsentiert das Memor Investigatio Forum Wissen sowie Praxis in qualitativ anspruchsvollen sowie zukunftsorientierten Formaten. |
The OELT Annual Meeting is a private professional event. The acronym OELT stands for Organized Educational Leisure & Travel. During this event, different scientists from the fields of linguistics, educational science, mobility, medicine, mathematics, photography, literature, music, metrology, cosmology, geology, philosophy or theology are invited to take a critical look at the project "Nature in Switzerland" and to discuss innovative ideas of knowledge communication. The different disciplines are interpreted in the context of educational travel, with the question as to how some specialist impulses can inform future educational events. In addition to the interesting content issues, the event also offers concrete options for finding the conversation with schools or students. On the one hand, the event can be understood as an information event to present the concept "nature in Switzerland" or to present further developments. On the other hand, to talk about specific organizational points of the events. These and other interesting questions can be discussed with schools and their students during the OELT Annual Meeting. Depending on the language region, country, place or school, events can be organized in German, English and Italian. Based on this innovative dual approach between the scientific impulses and the concrete events, the Memor Investigatio Forum presents knowledge and practice in qualitatively demanding and future-oriented formats. |
L'Incontro annuale dell'OELT è un evento professionale privato. L'acronimo OELT sta per Organized Educational Leisure & Travel. Durante questo evento, diversi scienziati dei settori linguistica, scienze dell'istruzione, mobilità, medicina, matematica, fotografia, letteratura, musica, metrologia, cosmologia, geologia, filosofia o teologia saranno invitati a esprimere un parere critico sul progetto Discutere della "Natura in Svizzera" e parlare di idee innovative per la comunicazione delle conoscenze. Le diverse discipline sono interpretate nel contesto dei viaggi formativi, con la domanda su come alcuni impulsi tecnici possano informare i futuri eventi educativi. Oltre alle interessanti domande di contenuto, l'evento offre anche opzioni concrete per trovare il dialogo con le scuole o gli studenti. Da un lato, l'evento può essere inteso come una manifestazione informativa per presentare il concetto "natura in Svizzera" o presentare sviluppi. Dall'altro lato, per parlare di punti concreti organizzativi degli eventi. Queste e altre questioni interessanti possono essere discusse durante l'incontro annuale OELT con le scuole e i loro studenti. A seconda della regione linguistica, del paese, della località o della scuola, possono essere organizzati eventi in tedesco, inglese e italiano. Grazie a questo approccio duale innovativo tra gli impulsi scientifici e gli eventi concreti, il Memor Investigatio Forum presenta conoscenze e pratiche in formati qualitativamente esigenti e orientati al futuro. |